Friday 7 July 2023

Manuka honey is absolutely the best option.

Manuka honey is absolutely the best option.

Manuka honey boasts many natural, beneficial properties that make it healthy too. Eating it regularly in small amounts (a spoonful a day) is recommended. If you're using it as an alternative to sugar and natural sweeteners, manuka honey is absolutely the best option.

What are the benefits of eating manuka honey?

Thanks to its antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties, manuka honey can be used to help treat wounds, improve your oral health, soothe a sore throat, and treat ulcers and acne.

Can I eat manuka honey directly?

To obtain all its benefits, the best way to eat Manuka Honey is raw. We suggest eating 1 to 2 tablespoons daily. You can eat it straight or add it to your food.
Is it OK to take a spoonful of Manuka Honey, a day?
A maximum of two teaspoons a day (15g) is a good portion size of manuka honey, as while it has many impressive health benefits, it is still high in sugar. If you are using manuka honey as part of a balanced diet, try drizzling it over porridge, overnight oats or natural yogurt.
Can Manuka honey help you sleep?
Manuka honey consumed before bedtime can help the body to release melatonin into the brain which is necessary for a deep sleep and helps to reduce the risk of more serious sleep-related health issues.
Is Manuka Honey a Superfood?
Manuka honey is considered a superfood because it contains natural vitamins and minerals and more importantly the Unique Manuka Factor (UMF™)
Does Manuka honey speed up metabolism?
Manuka honey is full of essential vitamins which allow the body to utilize food more efficiently. It is also an excellent source of the crucial B vitamins which aid in weight loss, fat burning, and glucose metabolism. Oh, and guess what, you wanna be A-listers; Manuka is loaded with amino acids - 22 of them in fact.
Does Manuka honey increase collagen?
However, Mānuka honey contains up to 100 times more MG than normal honey. It is that substance that has been shown to increase collagen cross-linking, promoting the structural growth of collagen in skin cells. Healthy collagen can mean healthy, firm, youthful-looking lips and skin.
How do you use manuka honey for anti-aging?
Collagen is an important agent that allows your skin to feel firm, remain healthy, and maintain its youthful glow. You can apply a thick coat of Manuka Honey on your face and leave it on for at least 20 minutes. Wash your face thoroughly after and follow with your skincare routine.
Can honey reduce wrinkles on the face?
In addition to vitamins and minerals, honey is rich in antioxidants to protect the skin from free-radical damage, plus enzyme activity to make the skin glow. With hydrating properties to plump up the skin and reduce the appearance of wrinkles, honey is an anti-aging solution for all skin types.
Does manuka honey cause hair growth?
Using Manuka honey for hair growth is another great advantage. Since it prevents breakage, it allows you to grow your hair longer and healthier. However, this is just the beginning. Honey can promote new cell growth as well enabling new hair growth.

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